Who in my setting would know more about this? | What would visitors notice (see, hear, feel)? welcomes, relationships, responses, respect
Where should they look? documentation, relevant policies, website |
Unique child, learning and development
How does the setting know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs? How do you identify children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)? How will I be able to raise any concerns I may have? |
The settings named SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator). Your child’s key person. From time to time the setting seeks advice from outside professionals to ensure that children’s needs are being met. The setting may signpost parents to speak and language drop ins or developmental checks with the child’s health visitor or the local Sure start Children’s Centre | Partnership with parents ensures children’s strengths are celebrated and built upon. Our approach to transition enables continuous development of each child as a learner. Children and parents are full partners in transition, with emotional wellbeing at the heart of the process. Parents are encouraged to spend time in the setting to develop a close, caring, professional relationship between the key person, parent and child to support entry into and journey through the setting. Parents are given an early opportunity to discuss their child’s needs with their key person and jointly agree the child’s starting points for learning and stage of development. The setting will ensure that in the event of the absence of your child’s key person you will be informed of their temporary key person, the setting pre-establishes an attachment between a child’s temporary key person and the child to support the child’s needs, parents will be informed of planned absences of their child’s key person to ensure that parents daily support.
Unique child, learning and development
How will the early years setting staff support my child? How do you oversee and plan the education programme and who will be with my child and how often? What will be their roles? Who will explain this to me? |
Additional expert support is available form an Area SENCO, who is an officer of the LA. Child’s Key Person, settings SENCO. | The EYFS Framework is differentiated to meet need. Observational assessment ensures tailored planning and provision in order to meet individual needs. Practitioner knowledge of child development using, Development Matters in the EYFS and Early Years Outcomes ensures appropriate learning challenges for children. Summative assessment ensures children’s developmental journeys are tracked to ensure early intervention put in place where necessary. The setting has a named SENCO to support the early identification of additional needs that accesses termly SENCO networks.
In the setting we use an Individual Learning Provision Plan (ILPP) template, that incorporates learning targets agreed with parents and carers and other professionals for example, recommendations from speech and language professionals. The child’s key person is supported by the settings SENCO and parents are asked to contribute their input towards the targets. Your child’s key person will keep you informed of changes to plan and will inform the child’s parents if they intend to seek outside advice about any matters concerning a child.
Unique child, positive relationships
How will the setting prepare and support my child to join the setting, transfer to a new setting or the next stage of education and life? What preparation will there be for both the setting and my child before he or she joins the setting. How will he or she be prepared to move onto the next stage? What information will be provided to his or her new setting? How will you support a new setting to prepare for my child? |
The setting will draw up an Individual Learning and Provision Plan (ILPP) in conjunction with parents to meet children’s additional needs. Plans are reviewed regularly
Support and Outreach sought from • Outreach support from Access and Inclusion (A&I) Services; Portage, Early Years Advisory Teachers, Educational Psychologists Autism Spectrum Condition Outreach Services (ASCOSS), Sensory/Physical/Medical Service • Support from Severe Learning Difficulties Outreach Support services (SLDOSS) • Early Support accessed through children’s centre services • Child Development Centres (Health) The setting has a strong relationship with Carlton Miniott Primary School, we work as a team to support children transitioning into the school, we have planned time together to support children to settle into the environment. We will discuss the individual needs of children with their class teacher with the permission of the child’s parents or carers. We welcome teachers and practitioner form other schools and childcare provisions to visit the setting to ensure that the child’s needs are clearly understood and met by all. The settings practitioners, where possible will make contact with other provisions to agree developmentally appropriate learning targets between provisions. |
Unique child, positive relationships
Who can I contact for further information? Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child? Who else has a role in my child’s education? Who can I talk to if I am unhappy? |
Your child’s key person is usually your first point of contact in the setting. The settings management team conducts professional supervisions and monitoring with individual members of the staff team and track children’s progress in the setting, if you are in any way unhappy, parents and carers are always welcome to speak to a member of the settings management team if they are in anyway unhappy or would like to offer feedback. We are a committee run setting with a management committee, a member of the management committee would also be happy to discuss any concerns with parents and carers in the strictest of confidence. | |
Positive relationships, enabling environments
What are the responsibilities of the setting committee or owners in enabling and supporting inclusive practice? How are they involved? |
Staff deployed to allow them to attend training.
Support in developing the environment and provision Assist in maintenance of the building to improve accessibility Assist in providing extra staffing when a child is eligible for Early years inclusion funding, this can be accessed for children who meet the criteria (50% or 75% of time in setting). Funding through statutory process after assessment of SEN (Leading to a statement of Special Educational Needs /Education, Health and Care Plan)
Positive relationships
How will I know how my child is doing? In addition to the normal reporting arrangements what opportunities will there be for me to discuss his or her progress with the Key Person? How does the setting know how well my child is doing? How will I know what progress my child should be making? What opportunities will there be for regular contact about things that have happened at in the setting? |
Planned time to establish relationships between parent, child and Key Person on entry. Assessment systems in place for all children such as the two year old check, on-going observational assessment, NY EY tracker, all linked to the EYFS ages and stages of development Learning journeys are freely accessible and always available for parents to share.
Regularly review of targets on ILPP will show progress, this will be carried out in partnership with parents Reports from other professionals working with the child/family Social events such as the settings open mornings and visits enable parents to see their child playing and interacting with others and enable parents to build relationships with practitioners within the setting. The setting operates an ‘open door’ policy and encourages room practitioners to have daily contact with parents so that communication can be on-going The setting sends out newsletters to keep parents informed of developments within the settings. Setting staff can attend PEP meetings and early support or review meetings if parents request. Setting provides leaflets to inform parents about EYFS.
Positive relationships
What support will there be for my child’s physical and emotional wellbeing? What support is available in the setting for children with SEND? How does the setting manage the administration of medicines and provide personal care? What support is there for social and emotional development to support positive behaviour? How will my child be able to contribute his or her views? |
Transition into the setting carefully planned around the needs of the child, this will include taster sessions, building up time away from parent as the child is able to cope with this.
Welcome pack with all about me booklets to be completed by parents to support planning to meet the child’s individual needs Staff approach – inclusive, positive, welcoming. Open, transparent communication encouraged from the start. Continual positive approach – positive behaviour policy implemented. Adults act as good role models for positive behaviour Flexible approach to routines/environment around the needs of the child. Key person builds relationships with child and family Key person provides personal care respectfully. Staff trained to administer medicines. Personal health care plans can be adopted if necessary. Policies shared with all staff and parents Visual support strategies such as a first/then board can be used to support children in understanding routines within the setting. Safe withdrawal area provided for sleep and quiet time needs. Adult – child support assessed to the level of need required by the child to become independent. Supporting children to manage their own personal care and managing risks for themselves. Differentiated activities, resources and adult support. Accessible resources, independent choice. Sensitive, warm interactions between adults and children. Area Senco supporting Senco/Key Person
Positive relationships
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting? Are there specialist staff working at the setting and what are their qualifications? What other services does the setting access including health, therapy and social care services. |
All staff have accessed child development qualifications and have experience of working with children within the Early Years age range
The child/family can access a number of services available in the locality linked to the child’s identified needs these would be primarily through the health care service and include: Child development centre Physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, Portage Worker, Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT) The setting has good links with the local children centre and staff sign post parents to support available there through: Parent support advisor, Inclusion officers, Social care Within the setting there is a trained SENCO who attends termly networks to keep up to date. The local authority Area SENCO is available to support the setting SENCO. With parents’ permission advice can be sought from the Early Years Advisory Teacher. If the child’s needs are identified as a specific need then the team with the expertise in this area will take up the support for the child and the setting in meeting the child’s needs. |
Positive relationships, learning and development
How will you help me to support my child’s learning? How will you explain to me how his or her learning is planned and how I can help support this outside of the setting? Do you offer any parent training or learning events? |
Communication systems in place within the setting are – star book, daily conversations with parents that collect/bring children to the setting, newsletters and the setting website, two year progress check meeting, open availability of the children’s learning journeys. These explain aspects of the EYFS and the child’s development and experiences within the setting. Parents are welcome to communication via email, verbal or written.
Invite parents to share their knowledge of their child’s interests, e.g. family photos, observations/comments from home in their child’s star book and learning journey and sharing and planned next steps in learning. Staff within the setting will discuss with you how to support your child’s needs outside the setting and how they are supporting your child’s learning and development within the setting. This will occur through regular contact with the key person and/or SENCO and /or ILPP reviews. If a child has particular identified needs the setting will work in partnership with the team supporting your child and explain to parents how they are acting on the advice from that professional to support your child. Families are invited to join in activities, open craft mornings/afternoons, phonics evenings in partnership with Carlton Miniott School. Flexible times for parents to attend the setting to join in with sessions or attend meetings |
Positive relationships, learning and development
How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education? How and when will I be involved in planning my child’s education? How are parents/carers involved in the setting more widely? |
Parents are involved from the initial visits at nursery to register their child at the setting. The child’s strengths, needs, likes and dislikes are discussed at this point. Parents are encouraged to share information at this point and on an on-going basis about individual needs of their child and any agencies/professionals involved with the child/family.
Parents are involved in identifying needs, information sharing, identifying targets/next steps to focus on at home and in the setting and reviewing progress towards targets. Parental permission is sought before liaising with outside agencies. Parents’ knowledge of their child is important and partnership working is sought at every point including Individual Learning and Provision Plans (ILPPs) and reviews. Children’s learning journeys accessible to parents |
Enabling environments, learning and development
How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child/young needs? What are the setting’s approaches to differentiation? How will that help my child’s needs? |
Get to know the child before entry to the setting through meeting with parents and settling in sessions
Regular Key Person liaison with parents On-going observational assessment used to establish a starting point within the first few weeks and continuing to inform next steps Of starting the setting, linked to the ages and stages of development matters in the EYFS Targets set on an ILPP if necessary to support the learning and development of the child Ask parents for copies of assessments by professionals prior to starting the setting Advice from the Area SENCO could be sought with parents’ permission and if necessary Setting ethos and EYFS requirement to treat each child/family as individuals SENCO and key person’s responsibility to ensure the environment, routines and activities support individual needs Observational assessment and ILPP reviews will enable planning for individual needs and preferences.Activities, experiences, routines resources and provision planned for the individual Robust risk assessment to enable children to participate as fully as possible Work with other professionals to meet on-going needs
Enabling environments, learning and development
What training have the staff supporting children with SEND had or are expected to have? This should include recent and future planned training and disability awareness. |
The SENCO has completed the New To SENCO training
The SENCO attends termly SENCO network meetings The SENCO cascades information to other staff at staff meetings held within the setting Most staff have attended promoting positive behaviour training and other related behaviour courses. Some staff have attended communication and language training. Staff training records are kept by the manager and relevant training can be viewed on request. Managers/SENCo have required knowledge and understanding to apply for additional funding if appropriate |
Enabling environment, learning and development
How will my child be included in experiences away from the setting? Will he or she be able to access all of the activities of the setting and how will you assist him or her to do so? How do you involve parents/carers in planning activities and trips? |
All activities will be planned around all children and their abilities
Invite all parents to join the visit Review adult:child ratios to ensure all children can access the visit, are safe and that it is an enjoyable learning experience for all Take along any aides the child requires |
Enabling environment, learning and development
How accessible is the setting environment? How does the setting communicate with parents/carers whose first language is not English? Have there been improvements in the auditory and visual environment? Is the building fully wheelchair accessible? Are there accessible changing toilet facilities? |
We are able to have our welcome pack and other documents translated
TV photo frame to show what we are doing Books available in dual language Signs, posters and pictures with notes used around the setting One to one verbal communication with visual cues used to support understanding Accessible building and toilet/changing facilities are available Up to date policies and procedures Provide sensory play equipment We use visual and auditory aids We seek advice and support from the Area SENCO We work in partnership with specialists, such as the sensory team and follow their advice
Enabling environment, learning and development
How are the setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs? How do you use your delegated budget to anticipate additional needs? What opportunities are available to access extra funding? How would additional funding be used to support my child? |
Inclusion funding and Two Year Funding can be applied for to support the child being included in the setting
Working alongside other professionals for supportive activities and experiences e.g. Portage, CC staff Adaptations to existing resources |
Learning and development, positive relationships
How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive? Describe the decision making process. Who will make the decision and on what basis? Who else will be involved? How will I be involved? |
Through observations made by the key person of the child in the setting and in discussion with the parents, SENCo and Manager
Observational assessment linked to the EYFS and knowledge of child development will be used to identify what support is required Extra support will be put in place if necessary with the aim of enabling the child to become independent within the environment. On-going partnership working with parents by the setting and other professionals involved with the child/family will support the decision making process. The SENCO will give advice on meeting the child’s needs within the setting in consultation with parents and other professionals where necessary and with parents’ permission. The inclusion funding process will identify level of need based on the evidence submitted to the panel from the setting and other professionals working with the child/family. Reports from health care professionals or others working with the child and family will be used plan support within the setting7 |